Shannon and Chuck
Chuck wrote his first computer program in 1973 using a Teletype machine with paper tape. Shannon programmed on an IBM 360 with punch cards in 1969. Several decades later, yet months before the release of Windows 95, Shannon and Chuck hacked out numerous web pages with HTML 2.0 code and CGI scripts using their state of the art Hayes 1200 baud modem and 4 color monitor. Accelerating cyberspace technology excites both Shannon and Chuck into learning and applying these benefits for their clients and friends. Yes, proud nerds before the term was coined! Currently Chuck actively consults for Hunt Building Corporation as its primary network engineer for its coast to coast WAN operation of over 85 Windows 2000/NT Servers. Shannon serves as webmaster for numerous instructional, promotional, informative, and genealogical web sites. Her Math Tutorial Website has been active since 1995 and is still receiving hits. View some of her work on the portfolio page. Shannon is an avid genealogist who loves sticking her nose in the business of both the living and the dead. It is reported that one of her relatives had two funerals. When it became expedient for him to disappear he conveniently died and supposedly removed himself from the planet. Pierce's Chapel residents aren't buying that story. They say they do not know who was in the box for he was sighted in that community after his supposed demise. Friends tease her and say she is the president of the Googlebot watch group in Jacksonville. Chuck prefers to look for a hot chess match. Chuck's team, The Pawnmates, finished first in the STC 45/45 Tournament 19, Quasar Division which ended in July of 2003. Congratulations to Chuck and the team. Currently he is actively involved in programming the back end for Chuck has programmed the site with Mrs-Badcrumble and is currently programming the back end for
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